All potential solutions to replace network assets or help increase the capacity of Queensland’s high voltage transmission network that are over a certain threshold, (currently $7 million) must be tested using the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) developed by the Australian Energy Regulator to ensure the recommended solution will have maximum net economic benefits. Transmission network, distribution network or non-network alternatives (such as demand management or local generation) are considered as options for both reinvestment and augmentation needs.

For more information, please refer to our RIT-T information sheet.

The RIT-T applies to transmission augmentation investment consultations initiated from 1 August 2010 onwards and more recently, for network asset replacements, from 18 September 2017.

For details of our cost estimating process and asset risk cost methodology please refer to Powerlink’s Cost estimating methodology and Overview of Asset Risk Cost Methodology.

Looking for historical documentation? Submit your request to: [email protected].