Powerlink’s community investment approach has been developed to support sustainable communities, assist in regional economic development, enhance community and social capacity, and build resilience in areas traversed by existing or future transmission infrastructure where we co-exist.

Our small community grants program kicked off in mid-2022 in the Western Downs and South Burnett local government areas, and 13 local groups were approved for funding.

Click to read more about these success stories


Further rounds of community investment are scheduled for release later this year.  If you’d like to be notified about when the next rounds have been confirmed, you can provide your contact details here. 



Powerlink's community investment pillars

View the full community investment table PDF below or read the desired outcomes for the three community investment pillars below.


Sustainable communities

  • Strengthening local support services
  • Enhancing community conservation


Economic development

  • Supporting jobs and a strong economy through partnership associations
  • Key stakeholders participate in important issues and forums
  • Improving local education/vocation opportunities



Sustainable communities

  • Improving connectedness between country, people and place
  • Improving access to information to assist with building sustainable communities



Economic development

  • Supporting communities to leverage economic resources and opportunities more effectively


Sustainable communities

  • Strengthened environment & community resilience to enable localised responses to events (i.e. natural disasters) and opportunities (i.e. economic change) through community-level initiatives
  • Increased ability of community to collectively leverage regional opportunities through enhanced capacity and connectedness



Economic development

  • Increased opportunities for employment and training
  • Improved ability for local enterprises to meaningfully participate in economic opportunities