Renewable Energy Zone (REZ)

The renewable energy industry is growing at a rapid pace as the world moves to cut emissions as part of a decarbonising global economy. REZs will be a key tool for ensuring this transformation is coordinated and provides positive outcomes for developers, communities and other stakeholders.

Powerlink is working with the Queensland Government to create REZs to help meet our energy needs by connecting Queenslanders to renewable energy in the most coordinated and cost-effective way. 

What is a REZ? 

A REZ is a geographic area which has a high amount of renewable energy resource, like sun and/or wind, and is in a location that has hosting capacity in the nearby transmission network. These factors, combined with others, make the area an optimal location for renewable energy generation and connection into Powerlink’s transmission network.

The Queensland Government’s REZ Roadmap identifies 12 potential REZs across Southern, Central and North and Far North Queensland regions. The indicative location, size and timing of these REZs is based on a number of factors including renewable energy companies' interest, analysis of available network capacity, renewable resources and land uses (including environmental considerations).

Benefits of a REZ

The coordinated planning and development approach to REZs will seek to minimise impacts on communities and optimise associated benefits.

Each REZ will be unique and subject to its own planning and investigation of detailed benefits for local communities, landholders, the environment, renewable energy companies, and all Queenslanders. These local benefits will be tailored to each REZ area.

REZ development stages

The Queensland REZ Framework detailed in the REZ Roadmap follows a four-stage process:

Stage 1 – Planning REZs with communities
Involves long-term planning for potential REZ locations. It involves engagement with communities and renewable energy companies to understand the suitability of an area for REZ development. 

Stage 2 – Consultation and declaring a REZ
Involves formal consultation with communities and renewable energy companies on a draft REZ Management Plan for a specific REZ, providing opportunities to shape the plan for REZ development. Once the Queensland Government declares the REZ, development of renewable energy projects and associated transmission infrastructure will occur in accordance with the REZ Management Plan.

Stage 3 – Construction and operation
The final REZ Management Plan is published. Construction of REZ infrastructure begins. As the REZ progresses, projects connect over time and begin generating renewable energy.

Stage 4 – Commissioned
This involves the REZ being fully operational, with renewable energy projects generating electricity into the grid. Remediation or refurbishment works will take place at a later date as transmission lines reach the end of their technical service life.

This framework is enabled in legislation through the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Act 2024.

All Powerlink projects within a REZ will continue to undergo a comprehensive engagement process and follow a rigorous planning and project approval pathway focused on finding a transmission line alignment with the least overall impact across a range of social, environmental and economic criteria. 

What is Powerlink's role?

Powerlink will carry out some new roles in Queensland REZ delivery. This includes Powerlink performing the function of REZ Delivery Body.*

As the REZ Delivery Body, Powerlink provides input to the REZ Roadmap and coordinates how renewable projects connect to the transmission network in REZs. This helps ensure the right generation mix, in the right location and at the right time.

In delivering REZs, Powerlink also coordinates engagement activities with the Queensland Government and renewable energy companies to ensure landholders, communities and other stakeholders can provide input and feedback, and influence decision-making and planning.


* The Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Act 2024 enables the Minister to appoint a government entity, regulator body or government agency of the Commonwealth as the REZ Delivery Body.

Callide REZ

The Callide region in Central Queensland has been identified as a potential REZ location.

We want to hear from Central Queenslanders via a brief survey about how you would prefer to engage with Powerlink.

COMPLETE survey 

Queensland Renewable Energy Zones 

REZ Map QLD Thumbnail
Click to enlarge image

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