Thankfully, it’s unusual for transmission lines to come down. But on rare occasions a severe storm or cyclone can cause lines to fall to the ground.

Call 000 if you notice a fallen transmission line and call Powerlink’s emergency hotline on freecall 1800 353 031 for immediate assistance.


A fallen transmission line should always be treated as ‘live’. Contact with a live transmission line can be deadly, and cause damage to property or equipment.

Stay well clear (at least ten metres in distance), and make sure bystanders are also kept back until Emergency Services or Powerlink representatives arrive.

When driving on the road, don’t drive across fallen transmission lines.

If your boat or vehicle does becomes tangled in fallen transmission lines, stay in the vehicle until the lines are proven safe. If it’s a life threatening situation (such as the vehicle bursts into flames), jump out and land with both feet together, then hop away for at least 10 metres - making sure both feet are always together.


Fallen powerline safety instructions