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The 2019/20 year saw the electricity industry undergoing continued change, requiring us to continue to sharpen our strategic direction and strengthen relationships with our customers and stakeholders.

Our effective and timely COVID-19 response strategy ensured we kept our people safe while they delivered essential transmission services without interruption to Queenslanders, and applied new approaches to support our customers and communities during the pandemic.

  • We implemented our Health and Wellbeing Strategy, focusing on the four pillars of physical health, mental health, organisational health and social health, to better support our people.
  • Our transmission network performed better than our Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) target, with no loss of supply events greater than thresholds specified by the Service Target Performance Incentive Scheme set by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).
  • We led collaborative investigations to analyse the significant issue of system strength on our transmission network and its impacts on renewable generators. 
  • We connected 180MW of renewable generation and reached connection agreements with customers for a further 1,338MW of committed renewable generation in Queensland.
  • As part of the engagement strategy for our Revenue Determination process, we formed a Reference Group to consider key aspects of our Revenue Proposal in detail and provide direct customer feedback to guide our decision making.
  • We lodged our first Energy Charter Disclosure Statement in October 2019, recognising our increased focus on customer centricity and identifying focus areas for improvement.
  • We prepared a coordinated and integrated plan that describes our approach to bushfire mitigation to maximise safety and safeguard the security of our transmission network in natural disasters.
  • We launched a Women in Leadership program to accelerate the preparedness and capabilities of our female employees for internal job opportunities.